Serving "The Hills" since 1959

Join or renew by check
Inflation-buster: after more than 10 years*, annual dues are still just $20 per year!
(* = since 2012)
Please make out your $20 check to "BHIA" and mail (c/o Steve Epstein, Membership Chair) or drop off to his mailbox at 120 Tiptoe Lane or to the mailbox of President Amy Sanford, 155 Los Robles Drive. If you would rather save a stamp and pay online, click here.
Thank you for paying your dues on time! This saves volunteer time and is greatly appreciated! Not sure if you're already a member? You can click here to see the member roster.
If you received a membership mailing, then feel free to use the pre-addressed security envelope that was inside.
Thank you for your continued support of the efforts of our Board of Directors to make Burlingame Hills an even better place in which to live!
There are two types of membership: "regular" members live in the unincorporated area of Burlingame Hills and "associate" members live in the City area of Burlingame Hills. The only difference is that regular members can vote at the Annual Meeting for large expenditures and other business matters, Constitution and Bylaws amendments, and election of Board officers and directors. Otherwise, both types of members receive the same member benefits.
To view past accomplishments of your Community Association, click here.