Serving "The Hills" since 1959

New neighbor welcoming
Welcome to Burlingame Hills, where you can live in a peaceful, private forest, be 20 minutes from San Francisco, be 30 minutes from Silicon Valley, and have every modern convenience just down the hill. Each of the 850 homes in "The Hills" is in one of two jurisdictions, with about half in the City of Burlingame and the other half in an unincorporated area of San Mateo County.
Service providers vary based on jurisdiction and, in the case of water service, location within the jurisdiction.
All new residents (within the past 12 months) get a FREE Community Association membership through the next Annual Meeting. Please let us know as much or as little about yourself and your family as you feel comfortable by completing this survey:
In return, we will send you your membership information!
Residents in the City:
Follow City ordinances
Law enforcement: Burlingame Police (650) 777-4100 or 911
Fire protection: Central County Fire (650) 558-7600 or 911
Planning and building services: Burlingame Planning Department (650) 558-7250
Sanitary sewer service: Burlingame Public Works (650) 558-7230
Storm sewer service: Burlingame Public Works (650) 558-7230
Road service: Burlingame Public Works (650) 558-7230
Water service: Burlingame Water (650) 558-7230
The City of Burlingame Community Directory includes almost all of the basic contacts you need to get settled and more.
Residents in the unincorporated area:
Follow County ordinances
Law enforcement: County Sheriff (650) 259-2300 or 911
Fire protection: Cal Fire (650) 573-3842 or 911
(although Central County Fire (650) 558-7600 or 911 is our "first responder")
Planning and building services: County Planning and Building (650) 363-1825
Sanitary sewer service: County Public Works (650) 363-4100
Storm sewer service: County Public Works (650) 363-4100
Road service: County Public Works (650) 363-4100
Water service: Burlingame Water (650) 558-7230 (EXCEPTION: Homes on Glen Aulin Lane, 10-80 Tiptoe Lane, and the upper portion of Summit Drive are served by Hillsborough Public Works (650) 375-7444)
Our emergency phone number list will look great next to your phone or on your refrigerator.
By mutual agreement, Burlingame Hills Improvement Association coordinates emergency preparedness with Burlingame Neighborhood Network.
Our Community Association will help connect you with your neighbors and provide you and your family with vital emergency preparedness resources. For more information on how to get involved, speak to a neighbor or email
Our Urgent Announcement Service keeps you informed about emergencies in our community. Be sure to sign up for e-mail messages by writing to
San Mateo County's version is called SMC Alert. Sign up for county-wide alerts by going to
Nextdoor Burlingame Hills connects more than 1,400 residents for the purpose of buying and selling items, recommending businesses, and service providers, and announcing events. Sign up at
The City of Burlingame eNewsletter is sent out every Thursday afternoon. Subscribe to keep up to date on what's going on in the City. Or to catch up on what's been happening, you can read recent past eNewsletters.
If you have any questions about Burlingame Hills, feel free to contact our Association President at
We live in the natural habitat of a variety of wildlife, including mountain lions (AKA Cougars and Pumas), bobcats, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, and skunks. All are reclusive and generally nocturnal. They tend to avoid human contact but may respond if provoked.
The following safety information is a compilation taken from wildlife managers, wildlife officers, and scientists that study mountain lion behavior. These strategies work with other wildlife as well. Although no strategy in the event of an encounter is guaranteed to be successful in every situation, these tips will help keep you safe in lion country.
Mountain lions primarily eat deer, but, if allowed, they will prey on vulnerable pets. In extremely rare cases, even people have fallen prey to mountain lions. Understanding mountain lion behavior and how to act responsibly in mountain lion country may greatly reduce potential conflict with these majestic animals. Help prevent unwanted conflicts with these beautiful wild animals. Do your part, keep them wild.
Do not hike, bike, or jog alone. Stay alert on trails.
Avoid hiking or jogging when wildfile are most active – dawn, dusk, and at night.
Keep a close watch on small children and small pets.
Don't startle wildlife; wear a bell or put a bell on your pet so that the wildlife is alerted before you get too close.
Off-leash dogs on trails are at increased risk of becoming prey for wildlife.
Teach others how to behave during an encounter. Anyone who runs may initiate an attack.
Carry and know how to use bear spray to deter wildlife, especially a mountain lion. Bear spray has been shown to be successful in emergency situations with mountain lions. Have the spray readily accessible. Carry in a holster belt or attach to a mountain bike. Talk to the folks at your local outdoor store to make sure you know how to properly use bear spray. People have been known to spray their own faces when attempting to use it.
NEVER CORNER wildlife. Be sure to give them an escape route.
DO NOT RUN from wildlife. Stay calm. Running may trigger a "chase, catch, and kill" response.
FACE THE ANIMAL. Do not turn your back.
QUICKLY PICK UP small children and pets. Otherwise, do not crouch down or bend over. Squatting puts you in a vulnerable position of appearing much like a 4-legged prey animal.
APPEAR BIGGER by waving your arms, or opening your jacket if wearing one. Throw rocks or other small objects.
BE VOCAL: speak calmly and firmly, but do not use high-pitched tones or high-pitched screams.
In the very rare case that a wild animal attacks you, fight back. Research on mountain lion attacks suggests that many potential victims have fought back successfully with rocks, sticks, garden tools, even an ink pen or bare hands. Try to stay on your feet. If knocked down, try to protect your head and neck.
Immediately call 911.
A plan for living in Mountain Lion Country:
ACKNOWLEDGE that you live in mountain lion country and make a commitment to educate yourself. Talk to your neighbors and work together.
NEVER FEED deer or any wildlife other than songbirds; it is illegal to feed deer and other big game in California and it will attract mountain lions.
Deer-proof your landscaping by avoiding plants that deer like to eat. For tips, download A Gardener’s Guide to Preventing Deer Damage from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Trim brush to reduce hiding places for mountain lions.
Don’t leave small children or pets outside unattended.
Install motion-sensitive lighting around the house.
Provide sturdy, covered shelters for your pets.
Don’t allow pets outside when mountain lions are most active—dawn, dusk, and at night.
Bring pet food inside to avoid attracting raccoons, opossums, and other potential mountain lion prey.
Please NEVER use poison to deter unwanted animals. Beneficial animals die from eating the poison or from eating a poisoned animal.
If you have oak trees on your property, it is important to get them treated every year to prevent them from succumbing to Sudden Oak Death, which is ravaging oaks in our community. We have an arrangement with two arborists who offer a low group rate for oak tree spraying. It is especially economical for residents who have fewer than 15 large oak trees. Read all about our oak tree treatment program.
We love our trees! Before you cut large trees (12" in diameter, measured at 4.5' from the base of the trunk) or large branches, check out the new, very strict County ordinance on tree cutting. Burlingame also has restrictions.
Sudden Oak Death has been killing many of our old oak trees. One way to protect your oaks is to remove all bay trees from within 30 feet. Another is to participate in our unique Group-rate Oak Tree Treatment Program that takes place each November. The Community Association has arranged with two arborists to waive the usual $150 charge for a visit and to provide us with a discount on each oak treated. If you are interested, sign up by sending your email address to
Please do not plant or construct anything on these easements. The Public Works Department reserves the right to replace pipes and manholes on your easement and remove any such trees and structures at your expense.
Please do not flush rags, construction debris, or so-called "flushable wipes" down your toilet or pour grease or oil into your sink. These are the major causes of unsanitary and unsightly sewer overflows. These all belong in your black garbage cart.
For the unincorporated area, this takes place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month.
Residents in the City:
8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday; and
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sundays and holidays
Residents in the unincorporated area:
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays;
9:00 a.m. to 5:00, Saturday; and
No construction Sundays or holidays
Be aware that noise outside these hours may be coming from a property in an adjacent jurisdiction.
County and City ordinances require that residents may not put carts out prior to 24 hours before collection morning and must put them away (not just on one's driveway) within 24 hours after collection.
For Adeline, Hillside, Canyon, and adjoining streets:
Collection is Tuesday morning
For Summit and adjoining streets:
Collection is Monday morning
For residents in the City:
8-5pm Thursday (contractors and residents)
9-2pm Saturday (residents only)
10-2pm Sunday (residents only)
For residents in the unincorporated area:
No restrictions
There are ongoing efforts in Burlingame and Hillsborough to curb airport noise, including the idling of planes on the runway.
On our rare bad weather days, airplanes take off and fly over Burlingame Hills. Otherwise, the planes take off toward the bay or toward the north.
Residents of The Hills:
--Never flush wipes down the toilet, even if the package says "flushable". They still clog our pipes and cause nasty overflows.
Dog owners of The Hills:
--Carry poop bags with them whenever they are with their dog
--Clean up after their dog
--Don't leave their used poop bag somewhere along their walk, thinking that they will remember to pick it up later
--Put poop bags in trash (black cart), even if the bag is marked "compostable"