Serving "The Hills" since 1959

911 for emergency
If busy, then use a local number below.
Law enforcement:
In the City of Burlingame, call:
(650) 777-4100 for Burlingame Police
In the unincorporated area, call:
(650) 259-2300 for County Sheriff
Fire protection:
In the City of Burlingame, call:
(650) 558-7600 for Central County Fire
In the unincorporated area, call:
(650) 345-1612 for Cal Fire
Gas leak:
After calling 911, call PG&E at 1-800-743-5000
Water Service:
For Hillside and Canyon Roads and adjoining streets, call Burlingame Water:
(650) 558-7670 for Water/Sewer emergency (7A-4P)
(650) 692-0604 for Water/Sewer emergency (4P-7A)
For most houses off Summit Drive, call Hillsborough Water:
(650) 375-7400
Solid Waste, recycling, and composting:
Call Recology:
(650) 595-3900 for Recology
Sanitary sewer services:
For the City of Burlingame, call:
(650) 558-7670
For the unincorporated area, call:
(650) 363-4100 (all hours)
Road and storm drain maintenance:
For the City of Burlingame, call:
(650) 558-7670
For the unincorporated area, call:
(650) 363-4103